And to me, the changes absolutely paid off. But at the same time, I also think this was, back then, one of the few ideal franchises to try something like this.
There is a reason why this was the only one in the pile labeled ‘sci-fi horror’, as it frequently does away with the constantly frantic pacing that characterises all other DOOM releases. I understand the divisive nature of this game in terms of how it deviates from the franchise roots. Additionally, along with Dante’s Inferno, it offers one of the most accomplished visions of hell I’ve seen in gaming. It has a better atmosphere, more impactful lighting effects, better sound design, more claustrophobic settings, and in contrast to the other entries, I feel it actually features a decent, somewhat grounded story, brought to the player through the same audio log/email mediums that was popularised by games like System Shock before it. But in most other things I would argue DOOM 3 gets the edge. Both 2016’s DOOM and Eternal seem to get all the praise, and they do deserve it for the gorefests, unparalleled quality in visuals, and high octane, prime first-person shooting (more so in the case of 2016 than Eternal IMO). To this day, DOOM 3 still stands to me as the most enjoyable game in the entire franchise. It has a better atmosphere, more impactful lighting effects, better sound design, more claustrophobic settings, and in contrast to the other entries, I feel it actually features a decent, somewhat grounded story, brought to the player through the same audio log/email mediums that was … More I was really glad to realise that, in this particular instance and at least for the most part, this wasn’t the case. Recently, I decided to revisit it, but as usual with all older games I decide to replay, I was afraid my impression of it had been clouded by years of distance and growing nostalgia. I recall being in awe of that dark, oppressive atmosphere that brought a sense of highly uncomfortable, addictive tension to every single hour I spent playing it. I had never seen anything look as good as that game, and got hooked on it immediately, to the point of having to repeat a couple of those exams, simply because I couldn’t stop playing it when I was supposed to be studying. I was in college, right in the middle of my exams, when I got my hands on it. I remember playing DOOM 3 back in 2004 when it came out.